Coretan Terbaru KakakeciK

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Time : around@6.30pm(sunset time)
Lokasi : Sawah area jalan ke kg halamanku
matahari vs padi yang menghijau

setiap kali aku drive dr kedai ke umah
mata ku mesti akan pandang matahari yg hampir terbenam
so..hasil nya apa bila aku berenti kereta untuk snap pic...
masih kawasan sawah (lokasi yg sama tp mcm kat tepi laut je kan)

Lokasi : KOta Marina, Kuala Kedah
Ok ni pic yg aku snap kat kota marina......

Lokasi : Pendang Lake Resort

Thanks adik tolong jd model
merenung masa depan yer

Lokasi : Pendang....Penang....Tasik Banding
erm ni ler ant koleksi pic di kala senja yg aku snap....


Mohd Asyraf B Mahmud said... [Reply]

smua gmbr lawa....
bila nk bli dslr k.shda???
leh pnjam..

Lee said... [Reply]

Hello Shida, I was at Mama Saffiyah's place noticed your beautiful sunsets.
Saya suka gambars of sunsets and dawn.
You are a good photographer.
Last I was in Kedah was in 1984.
You have fun and keep well, best regards, Lee.

aDisH.sHidA said... [Reply]

uncle lee: tq....i bukan photographer i miat dgn photography

yasser said... [Reply]

salam kakshida:
Beautiful sunset with clouds in the sky blue.
sunset is more Beautiful when reflected in the of sea water.
Consideration of these pictures is a exciting thing.
The person is unable to describe these pictures
Because of its beauty.
You are truly a professional in photography.